Andrej Janeš, Hrvatski restauratorski zavod
Prethodno priopćenje
Puni tekst: engleski, hrvatski sažetak, PDF
Str.: 9–22
In September of 2012 the Division for Archaeological Heritage, Croatian Conservation Institute, conducted a trial archaeological excavation at the church of St. Chrysogonus in Glavotok, on the island of Krk. Stylistically, the church is an early Romanesque building, whose construction was connected to the transition of the Diocese of Krk under the patronage of the Archdiocese of Zadar in the mid–12th century. During the trial archaeological excavation, an area 111 m² in size has been explored. Architectural remains of a complex that could be presumed in the church vicinity were found, while stratigraphic analysis of the architecture, movable finds, and charcoal
samples suggest three periods of the site. First period, Late Antiquity, includes a rural complex south and southeast of the church. Second period, Early Medieval, consists of architectural remains on the plateau east of the church, while the third, Medieval, stage includes the church with the accompanying architecture.
Ključne riječi:
Krk, St. Chrysogonus, Late Antiquity, rural architecture, Early Medieval period, High Medieval period