

Thanks to its many years of experience in organizing and providing student internships, the Croatian Conservation Institute takes part in the training and professional development of future experts in the field of conservation and restoration, and successfully cooperates with many universities in Croatia and abroad.

In line with its capacities, the Croatian Conservation Institute provides students with an opportunity to participate in the execution of conservation and restoration programmes, at an appropriate level, with a view to acquiring new know-how and advancing the knowledge and skills they already possess by working alongside experienced professionals on research, protection and renovation of the most precious of cultural assets.

Practical training is organized in accordance with the course of university study. On completion of the internship, the Croatian Conservation Institute issues the university/student with a certificate of completion of the student's internship.

How to apply for a university student internship at the Croatian Conservation Institute

An application for internship should include:

  • a letter of motivation from the student (containing information on the programme year the student has enrolled in and the course for which he/she wishes to do the internship),
  • the student's CV,
  • a certificate of enrolment (e.g. a copy of the first page of the student's transcript).

Applications should be sent at the beginning of the academic year to the address below.


Croatian Conservation Institute
Iskra Karniš Vidovič, Head of the Section for Training, Professional Development and International Cooperation
Nike Grškovića 23, PO Box 23
HR-10000 Zagreb

Tel: +385 (0)1 46 93 870
Fax: +385 (0)1 46 83 289

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