
Research and Documentation Services, which include the Archive, consist of the Information and Documentation Department and the Natural Science Laboratory. With their activities pertaining to documentation, archiving and laboratory testing, they support all the organizational units of the Institute.

As an institution that adheres to the Venice Charter, the Croatian Conservation Institute is committed to keeping documentation, as one of its fundamental activities. The same obligation is set forth in the Croatian Act on the Protection of Cultural Properties. The Institute's special software, called "BREUH" (Base of Croatian Artefacts Recorded for Restoration) foresees storing documentation in electronic format, while old documentation and documents archived in paper format are kept in the relevant archival collection. The earliest preserved written documents originate from 1916, and they are kept in the archive of documentation pertaining to movable heritage, at 8 Zmajevac Street in Zagreb.

The Institute's photographic archive has been in existence since 1948 and consists of some 300 000 photographs.

Given that the Institute has premises at 26 different locations, and that it is not possible to organize a unified, central archive for the entire institution, archives are kept in the premises of individual Services:

  1. Archive of the Registry and the central archive, 23 Grškovićeva Street, Zagreb
  2. Archive of financial and accounting documentation, 1 Grškovićeva Street, Zagreb
  3. Archive of documentation pertaining to immovable heritage, 44 Ilica Street, Zagreb
  4. Archive of documentation pertaining to movable heritage, 8 Zmajevac Street, Zagreb
  5. Archive of the Archaeology Service, 15 Kožarska Street, Zagreb
  6. Other archives at various locations in the RoC (Split, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Ludbreg, Rijeka, Vodnjan-Juršići, Zadar).


Igor Atlija
Telephone: +385 (0)1 01 4886 944 / 1217

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